Thursday, April 28, 2011

My time machine is for sale

Some of you may remember my 85 Fiero Gt Time Machine (if not click the link to jog your memory). Well today is one reader's lucky day! I'm selling it. The vehicle itself runs well (see specs below) the only issue is with the main time travel component. The original flux capacitor is only compatible with a 1981-1983 Delorean DMC 12 V6 – 2.9L. In an attempt to customize the unit to work with the Fiero I accidentally cracked two of the geissler tubes (also a few of the buttons stick and need replacing). As a result the vehicle doesn't go in reverse - only forward at normal speed and sometimes it catches fire when it hits 88mph (see below).

This is what happened the last time I tried to get up to 88. Anyways you MUST replace the broken system with a new custom one before attempting to go back in time unless you want to end up with a flaming pile of trash.

Here are the details:

5 speed manual transmission
2.8 V6. 133,000 km (mostly highway/numerous time travel attempts)
new clutch
new rims
new tires
new struts
new shocks
interior in decent shape
all electronic time travel components have been stripped and resoldered
cassette player
trailer hitch in case you want to hook up a trailer or uhaul (you can pack up and relocate to the past)

needs new flux capacitor customized for compatibility
needs new brakes
needs a new driver side wiper motor $35.00 bucks at the scrap yard
2 small cracks in the windshield - nothing serious just take it to lebeau vitres d'auto or speedy glass (it’s free if your insurance covers you for glass damage)
could use a fresh paint job (slightly damaged from the last fire)

needs to be towed - I repoed the battery for parts

$250,000 quick sale - real bargain!

Frank Breaker - Ex Time Traveler

*Edit: You also have to supply your own plutonium

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