Artificial Vagina New definitions for 2015
Organic (or-gan-ic): more expensive
The News: what's wrong today
Grater (grat-er): a sponge ruiner or finger shredder
Facebook (face-book): a website that promotes stalking where the stalkee doesnt know they are in a relationship with the stalker
Straightjacket (straight-jack-et): a self hugger
Gasoline (gas-o-line): car juice
Fart: an invisible poo
Clown: a transvestite that applied way too much makeup
Boxing (box-ing): a ballet where dancers punch each other
Tickle (tick-le): a type of rape you are forced to laugh through
Hand Sanitizer (hand san-i-tiz-er): a paper cut finder
Clap: a self high five
Tampon (tam-pon): a vampire tea bag
Microwave (mi-cro-wave): the head chef at Bardeco Pizzeria
Beard: a face food storage
Jogging Pants (jogg-ing pants): pants people who don't shower often like to wear
Egg: an organically gift wrapped chicken fart
Gumball Machine (gum-ball mach-ine): a candy aquarium
Blowjobs/blowjays (blow-job/blow-jay): flowers for men
Ninja (nin-ja): an Asian burglar
Frank Breaker
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